Vanilla JS

Vanilla Javascript Tooltip

Vanilla Javascript tooltip. Accepts plain text and fancy HTML.


Libraries such as jQuery, MooTools, Dojo and others are truly awesome and powerful, but sometimes it's completely unnecessary to load 100-200Kb of libraries and plugins for a simple thing, like a carousel, tooltip or accordion.

That's when the Vanilla Javascript series come in handy to save on page weight and decrease download times with one of the following:

— Inspired by the blazing fast, lightweight, cross-platform Vanilla JS framework.


  1. Set up a tooltip in your HTML
    <span data-tooltip="Lorem ipsum tooltip text">Lorem ipsum</span>
  2. Optional - Set the position of the tooltip
    <span data-tooltip="..." data-position="left top">Lorem ipsum</span>
    If the position is not defined the script defaults to data-position="center top" which positions the tooltip centered above the trigger. These are the possible values for data-position:
    Value Position
    left top Left top corner
    center top Horizontally centered on top
    right top Right top corner
    right center Vertically centered on the right
    right bottom Right bottom corner
    center bottom Horizontally centered at the bottom
    left bottom Bottom left corner
    left center Vertically centered on the left
  3. Include the styles
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="vanilla-js-tooltip.css" />
    and the script
    <script src="vanilla-js-tooltip.min.js"></script>
  4. Call it
    var tooltip = new Tooltip({
        theme: "light", // Selects one of the pre-defined tooltip styles - light or dark.
        distance: 5,    // Specifies the distance in pixels from trigger to tooltip.
        delay: 0        // Specifies how long the tooltip remains visible (in ms) after the mouse leaves the trigger.


Available at GitHub