Libraries such as jQuery, MooTools, Dojo and others are truly awesome and powerful, but sometimes it's completely unnecessary to load 100-200Kb of libraries and plugins for a simple thing, like a carousel, tooltip or accordion.
That's when the Vanilla Javascript series come in handy to save on page weight and decrease download times with one of the following:
— Inspired by the blazing fast, lightweight, cross-platform Vanilla JS framework.
<span data-tooltip="Lorem ipsum tooltip text">Lorem ipsum</span>
<span data-tooltip="..." data-position="left top">Lorem ipsum</span>
If the position is not defined the script defaults to data-position="center top"
which positions the tooltip centered above the trigger. These are the possible values for data-position
Value | Position |
left top | Left top corner |
center top | Horizontally centered on top |
right top | Right top corner |
right center | Vertically centered on the right |
right bottom | Right bottom corner |
center bottom | Horizontally centered at the bottom |
left bottom | Bottom left corner |
left center | Vertically centered on the left |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vanilla-js-tooltip.css" />
and the script
<script src="vanilla-js-tooltip.min.js"></script>
var tooltip = new Tooltip({
theme: "light", // Selects one of the pre-defined tooltip styles - light or dark.
distance: 5, // Specifies the distance in pixels from trigger to tooltip.
delay: 0 // Specifies how long the tooltip remains visible (in ms) after the mouse leaves the trigger.
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